02 May 2007

A "Fresh" Perspective

As much as I would love for our community's pool to look like the amenities of the Wynn Las Vegas - I still can't believe that no one called me out on the photo (thanks to Sheri and my folks for holding their tongues). The REAL pool is a far cry from the Wynn but will certainly serve it's purpose during our assignment (see today's post for another "angle" of our community pool). Seriously, you guys realy believed the pool photo from yesterday was my community, or are you just ignoring the picture that accompanies my posts. I do put a substantial effort into choosing just the right photo to accentuate the story (not even a comment about "crazy guy dancing on piano" from two days ago???). I trust you'll pay more attention to the photos in the future...

So nearly 2 weeks apart from everyone... and time seems to be slowing down - something I wish it would do when I was in Houston and something I loathe in Doha. I've gotten many of the urgent issues at work handled, and have explored most of the city by now... leaving me plenty of time to research cars and think of ideas for the blog, which is good because the # of comments is picking up and I need to keep delivering quality stuff for my readers.

By the way... a quick thank you to those of you who are leaving comments - to help the cause I've changed the settings so that anyone can leave a comment without having to join the Blogger site... just enter your comment and name and you're off and running.

A very happy birthday to Russell and Brent - and soon a happy birthday to Sean back in Phoenix (I think)... I'll save the high five for the next time we see eachother. On with the show.
In nearly every bathroom I've been outside of the US, next to the toilet stands its cousin the bidet. Both may differ in size and capabilities, but are inseparable in nearly every country but our own. The bathrooms in both of my hotels and at work are no exception... and if you're wondering - I have now done as the locals do, and I wonder why you don't find bidets in the States. The very idea of a bidet makes most Americans pucker up, and many giggle like children... yet they are a very serious part of the international community. I'll be the first to admit it feels horribly akward at first - especially if one does not properly adjust the pressure or temperature before diving in, but I suppose that it's no stranger than the person who first explained the concept of toilet paper to someone. By far I would rate my brief encounter with a bidet as the most humbling cultural experience thus far. A bidet is like soccer, in that you can't have a full appreciation for the world's obsession with it until you try it for yourself. I'll stop there, having already crossed the TMI line - but all in the name of cross-cultural understanding.
One of the younger cost engineers in my office is a local Qatari who went to school at Michigan State, graduating last fall and moving back in with his parents in Doha - which he explained is standard procedure until you get married, at which point most people move out on their own. His family's villa is actually located just across the street from our office - it looks like a small hotel! He usually goes with the team out for lunch at the mall and I'll sit next to him and pick his brain on local customs, restaurant recommendations, and general middle east politics. It always helps to have the inside information.

Porsche, which I'll call him for his obsession with the same European sports cars, told me today that most Qatari women are obsessed with designer fashion - more so than even American women. And that they often where very expensive designer clothing under their abayas (black coverings). When I asked why they would wear them under the dark black fabric, he said that they derobe once in an area for women only or in their residence - his exact quote was "if they couldn't take them off at home I'd never get married"! The men appear less concerned with fashionable clothing, at times wearing little more than underwear beneath their white robes, but they are sure to display a new pair of designer sunglasses and iced out watch or braclet. Wikipedia has a lot more information on Islamic scripture regarding modest dress - and good descriptions of the various forms of dress - just search for "Abaya".

I'm anxious for the weekend to arrive so that I can resume my position by the pool with a Cinco de Mayo Margarita and rest up after what has been a long week. Now's the time to send me emails or comments since I'l have a few days to catch up on my backlog of messages.

Clives Comment of the Day: "A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in. We never find the strength of an evil impulse inside us until we fight it."

Michael's Mannerisms: "Bro’s before ho’s. Why? Because your bro’s are always there for you. They’ve got your back after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason. And you were nothing but great to your ho. And you told her that she was the only ho for you and that she was better than all the other ho’s in the world. And then…and then suddenly she’s not your ho no mo’."


Brent said...

Bro aka "little bidet lover"

Great insight into Islamic culture. Question: What will Sheri be expected to wear?

Tina said...

That was way too much information, but like Brent said "great insight". Just wondering do you have the option for toliet paper? I just assumed that the picture before was the pool everything else seems so fancy there. Ask your co-worker about the women only mall. Also when your ipod crashes can you listen to the radio over the internet at work?

Jon said...


Too much info, but at least you are experiencing everything Doha has to offer. I thought the pool was the pool at your place as well.

Don't burn to bad with those 100 degree days.


The Maddox Family said...

...so you aren't supposed to go outside then?????? Talk about culture shock. Maybe not entirely though because on occasion I like to wear some fancy designer "stuff" under my clothes too(figured I'd chime in on the TMI while it's hot)

The Maddox Family said...

oh yeah and no playlist today, how disapointing

Sheri said...

Hey so I am not sure about the bidet experience. I think I will let you take that one. So does that mean that I get to wear the fancy designer clothes all the time to compete with the locals? I think I can handle that shopping trip!!! Can't wait to have you home.

Mark said...

You fooled us all. When Sheri sent me the pictures of your place I was trying to fit that nice pool in the picture, I was confused on where it might be.

anyways... I have a Michael quote to go along with yours. I think it is from one of the Christmas episodes...

[to Pam, Angela, Phyllis and Ryan] "Ho, Ho, Ho... Pimp."
-Michael Scott

Also, I think the first time I saw a bidet I thought it was a water fountain. I thought..."How convenient you can go the bathroom, and take a drink of water at the same time." I should also say, my first experience was inside our borders.

I hope there are no more awkward Bidet stories shared....they are a bit...well...awkward

Brent said...

"Also, I think the first time I saw a bidet I thought it was a water fountain."

How hilarious... but it makes sense... that way you never get dehydrated.

Brandon - I was going to comment on the piano picture the other day but I forgot. Is that a picture of Jason Johnson?

Russell said...

What the Hell dude! Can you send me the cliff notes on this thing or have someone call me with the outline. I now know you are bored. Although it is very interesting. Hey how are you workouts going buddy. I expect to see the Gun show when you get home. Tyler has been talking smack about you. HAHA ok just joking, he never said a word. Peace