16 May 2007

0% Chance of Rain

Few things in life are guaranteed, taxes and death come to mind... but in Doha, I've been here 26 days - 27th tomorrow and if there was a cloud in the sky I must have missed it. When the average rainfall from April to September reads 0.00" - it's serious... 0% chance of rain. So why check the weather forecast at all you ask? Well I should have checked today, because it would have read 100% chance of Shamal - which is the local word for intense dust storm. It struck about an hour before lunch at the site, with high winds forcing a fine dust under the windows and into our eyes when we braved the weather to take our lunch break. I experienced dust storms in Arizona during the monsoon, but that was a shortened blast of dust ahead of a thunderstorm, lasting maybe 30 minutes and the reward was a cooling rain and lightning storm. In Qatar (and most of the middle east), dust storms can last days or weeks, and are much finer than in Arizona... worst of all, no rain, no lightning - so all the bad without the good. Luckily for us it died down after a few hours so we had a clear road home. Apparently when it's really bad they have to shut down the plant (sand blasting is the only thing not really impacted - welding and painting are useless as you can imagine); and driving is hazardous enough without sand dropping visibility to the front of your hood.

An exciting way to end our last day this week at site - since we have meetings and teleconferences in Doha most of the day tomorrow. And after work I'm headed to the aeroporte to begin the 24 hour journey back to Texas, a trip I've been looking forward to for 27 days.

Amazing what has happened since I left Houston:

1. 4 Birthdays (you know who you are) - lots of May b-days, almost as cool as October!
2. The Redwings won their first Stanley Cup Series in 3 years, followed by another strong series win to pit them against the Ducks, whom they are leading 2-1 with game 5 scheduled this weekend, which I plan on watching LIVE in HD!
3. I officially became a fan of professional darts, cricket, and Australian rules football (or "footy" as it's called).
4. Despite setting realistic fitness goals I managed to gain 2 kgs since arriving, maybe it's muscle. Or more likely it has something to do with the extra 1000 calories at breakfast and the hearty meals at the site canteen.
5. Enjoyed the local restaurants, like Chili's, Applebees, TIGFridays, Johnny Rockets, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, KFC, and Subway... although my favorite restaurant in town is still the Indian place, Bukara, next to the tennis center.
6. Spider Man 3 was released and set ridiculous box office records, to which I will add some $$$ when I get back to the states (although it was released on the same day in Doha). Can anyone provide a review for me?
7. I've learned 2 Arabic expressions - Inshala (God Willing - see previous posts) and Shamal (Dust Storm - see above)... more to hopefully come.
8. I killed 3 mosquitos while typing this list (yes they have mosquitos in Doha).

So one more post (ie one more day), and I'm homeward bound. I appreciate everyone's comments and you can expect plenty of great stories as Sheri and I prepare for and take the biggest step of our married life! Thanks for all the support and kind words. Be sure to keep in touch either through email or through our Vonage US phone number (soon to be purchased).


Tina said...

See ya soon!

Brent said...

Today's timely truth is for Brandon... because I am sure this is exactly how he feels:


Don't worry, it will all be over very soon.

Jon said...

I don't think that is an act of nature I would want to experience. Glad you had a great time experiencing the culture you will live in for three years. See you when you get back to the states.

Just remember when you get back here you can't honk and flash your lights on the Houston freeways like you did in Doha.


Tim Gwynn said...

Spiderman 3 was horrible. I'm thankful I had free passes, but I really wish I would have had some wine because the movie was full of cheese (i.e. Emo Peter Parker, dancing the twist while cooking omlettes, and a dance number very similar to Jim Carey and Cameron Diaz in The Mask, just to name a few). The first two were amazing, and third, such potential, but like it is with most people in life, it's potential was never fully realized and certainly not reached.

Wait for it to come on DVD and even then, wait for a friend to rent it and watch it at his house (save $5).

Glad you're finally coming back, although it means nothing to me, because I am in NC and you in TX. Call me when you get a chance, I'd love to hear your sweet voice (haha), no seriously, I want to hear what has been going on.

The Maddox Family said...

wow dust storms sound pretty aweful. Take solice that it isn't like cali or florida with their fire storms. glad you're coming home for a bit, and DEFINATELY listen to Jon with his wonderful words of wisdom about the driving. TRY to fit in some halo while you're here(not too much because let's be serious, you don't need to be playing video games when you're moving out of the continental 48, or
un-continental for that matter). See you soon.

ps I'll burn you some good music to take back

The Maddox Family said...

ok so you HAVE to check out redvsblue.com I'm not sure how you've avoided it for so long but it's time. it's the funniest thing ever. they have over 100 short episodes but just start with the halo 3 intro on the front page...priceless(literally, it doesn't cost anything). once you get back I'll give you the first 2-3 seasons on dvd if you like it.

The Maddox Family said...

ok, I'm sorry for 3 seperate short posts, I'll get it together next time. BIG NEWS!!!! SEPTEMBER 25 is the Halo 3 release date!!!!!!! I gotta go put in for some vacation time now

Anonymous said...

I've heard that inshala is the polite way of saying "not going to happen"

Hey, maybe you can start providing the "Arabic word of the day" when you're permanently settled in -- that way we can blend in with the locals when the small group comes to doha!

Have a safe trip back!

Anonymous said...

I hope Tmad isn't lying about the Halo3 release (or that Microsoft isn't lying), because there's a 85% chance I'll be in the states the last week of September on unrelated business, but the "trip to attend a wedding" just became "trip to pick up Halo3 AND attend a wedding".

See you all soon...