11 July 2007

Key Business Drivers

I've decided to target posting bi-daily, which can mean twice a day or once every other day depending on your handling of the English language. In this case it refers to the latter - the every other day one. Like any good oil & gas employee, or politician caught in an embarasing scandal I intend to layout the key business drivers (aka excuses) that led me to this difficult decision:

1. I am running out of material
2. Good posts are like fine wine, they get more comments with age - and I want to give my readers' ample time to post their own thoughts and expriences (did Brent fall off the Earth?)
3. I can use the extra time for other hobbies like productive work in the office, and going home on time.
4. You can use the extra time to explore other excellent blogs (http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/ for instance)... Scott Adams has a lot more to say about life than quirky office humor.
5. I will still post whenever there is something interesting to share, this just resets your expectations to prevent disappointment and gives you more time to digest the posts.

Also keep your eyes on the right border for other fun lists and links, since those are easier and less work to update... don't forget to keep your 5 song shuffles coming (to clarify it's 5 straight random audio files in a row, so silence, comics, or movie clips count).


Bullwinkel said...

I'm working hard to create some 5 song randoms. Its very tough. I'm glad you noted the movie clip etc. rule. That makes a big difference on my machine. Too many movie soundtracks on here.

I hate to see you going bi-daily with the blog, but I completely understand. I pulled mine down period do to lack of material. Look forward to chatting with you tomorrow.

The Maddox Family said...

I just can't believe you are finally going "bi"...get it, it's a homosexual in-your-what-doe?!?!?! zing!!

I'm obviously just acting out since I am upset at the new posting rates. I plan on starting one up pretty soon, or at least posting on lauren's(she just started her own).

You may want to reconsider your move though. You now have advertisements up on other sites and your traffic may go through the roof now. Just a thought

Brandon and Sheri said...

tmad - I wondered who would be the first to hit that softy out of the park (nice zing!).

you'll have to let us know where to find Lauren's blog so we can return the advertising.

Bullwinkel said...

Alright here we go...hard selection but the best five I've had in two days.

Saliva - Your Disease
Tesla - What You Give
Thornley - So Far So Good
Korn - Falling Away From Me
Sevendust - Black

The Maddox Family said...

what a disapointment...Here I am at work hoping for a pick-me-up and what do I get, a reminder. A reminder that now my weekly enjoyment has been cut in half...half I say!!

Brent said...

I am still here

Brent said...

Brandon and Sheri

Bi posting is unbiblical.

Posting bi is an abomination. Isaiza 1:19

In other news. I have finally crawled back onto the face of the earth after trying to prepare for my big trial which was postponed for another 3 months.

However, now I am so far behind in all my other work that it may take a couple of days before I can get my feet under me and post like I want to.

Mark my words, I will be first again one day.

Brent said...


If good posts are like fine wine, then yours are like fine champagne [pronounced like Christopher Walken on Saturday night live].

Brent said...

I almost forgot.

Thou shalt post daily even if thouest shalt suffer no response. For to suffer no response yet still post magnificent. Isaiza 1:17-18

Brent said...

Oh... just in case noone has mentioned it yet. The Transformers attacked your home. It is so funny, they make Qatar look so backwater in the movie. I think I saw you running around with an AK-47 Brandon.

The Maddox Family said...

if brent gets to post 5 times then so do i...but only if we can go back to daily aka(not ak47) straight

The Maddox Family said...
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Mrs. Cervantes said...

I understand your reasons, but I wish you didn't have to. Maybe you should let Sherri post every other day you are not.

The Maddox Family said...

kudos tina for an actual solution to the problem and not just a slam. I'm a little partial to just the slam but understand the value to "solutions".

Sheri said...

So after my 20 minute reading session I feel the need to comment as well.

As for the "bi" zing watch your back one will be coming your way soon!!!!

I am glad to hear Brent is still alive we were worried the transformers had gotten to you too. Qatar is still trying to recoup after the incident!heheeh

Still haven't seen the movie though.

Tina- I will try and post however I will warn you I am not as funny nor creative when it comes to postings so you may appreciate the every other day !!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

Maybe see you in the post tomorrow!!!