18 February 2009

Houston We are Engaged!

When you first think of the word 'engaged' you may think diamond ring, wedding, but yesterday Brandon and I discovered a new meaning for the word! We were told Aiden was engaged and ready to go. After processing that statement we learned that he is in position and could come by week 38! I knew something had changed becuase my already frequent trips to the toilet had increased and my back was hurting more than ever but my stomach didn't look any different, except maybe bigger! This was great news since the previous visit the Doctor was talking about C-sections because they thought he would be too big to become 'engaged'. Thankfully Aiden followed directions and got into position! He is already such a great listener!haha
Brandon and I are soo ready and hoping for our boy to arrive the first week of March. As of right now he is about 61/2 pounds and growing and extremely active, all day and night which has made sleeping quite interesting for both Brandon and I.
Brandon has assembled all the gear and our bags are packed so we are now in waiting mode. This has got to be the hardest part of the pregnancy. Thankfully we get wireless internet at the hospital here so when the time comes we will be able to let you all at home know whats going on and post pics.

Well back to my afternoon activities: napping, restroom breaks and back to napping!


The Maddox Family said...

Sheri - this is the crazy time...I'm so glad to hear that Aiden is locked and loaded! I hope that he comes sooner rather than later.

Wish we could be there to support you all in person, but know our thoughts and prayers are with you for sure.

Anonymous said...

Oh the waiting place... I kept reading one of my favorite dr. suess books - Oh the places you'll go... it is a wild ride and the waiting game is certainly the most difficult part (besides the actual labor). Thinking of you and praying for perfect timing for God's precious gift to you and Brandon!

The Maddox Family said...

btw - I'd like to go ahead an put my vote in for arrival time and baby size. (We had a little calendar going for Dash - if anything, gave me something to look at / be excited for at the end!)

My guess: He'll arrive on March 6th (early - on TMad's B'Day) and he'll weigh 8 lbs. 6 oz. / 21 inches long.

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting!! I can't believe he is going to be here so soon. Not soon enough for you guys though!

My guess is going to be March 5, 8 lbs 2 oz 21 in. I am stealing the same length as the Maddox's.

What do we get if we win? A free trip to Doha?!
