04 February 2009

2 Down 1 to Go!

Winter Ball at the Four Seasons last week

The last week has been quite eventful in our compound. Baby 1- Ella Ann was delivered a week early to Cheryl and Derrick at 7 pounds and then last night Baby 2-Jaydon Axis was delivered on the exact due date to Mariah and Steve also weighing in at 7 pounds. Needless to say I am quite jealous that they already have their little ones here. Mostly because now they can all sleep on their bellies which I have been longing to do for 9 months. But I am still 6 weeks away from my official due date.
We went to the doctor last night and saw a new lady since my Doc is on a month long holiday! My favorite thing as a pregnant lady is to hear wow you are big! Nothing like that to help your self esteem. Luckily everyone then follows it up with but you are all belly! Nice save. So she begins the ultra sound and takes the measurements of Aiden. At this point I am 34 weeks but Aiden is still measuring close to 37 weeks on his head and leg length with a small belly. I am glad to a point he is measuring big since that is the excuse I have been using for the past month!ha But definitely concerned about those measurements for delivery. The Doc also estimated that he is around 5 1/2 pounds already which means if he gains the normal 1/2 pound a week I am in trouble!
I go back in two weeks for some tests then at 38 week they are going to assess me and Aidens size again to make sure I will be able to deliver him normally due to his size. Fingers crossed I can have a normal delivery but either way we know Aiden is healthy and very active! Let the waiting begin!


Anonymous said...

the countdown is on and i'm so excited for you guys! try to enjoy these last few weeks, as miserable (and painful) as they are... it is so worth it when you get to hold him on the outside! and if aiden is as big as they say he is, you will be amazed that this giant baby was living inside of you.. truly a miracle.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet Aiden. He's going to be tall and lenky just like his daddy. That's a good thing; we wouldn't want him short and fat on delivery day...haha. Hey, I noticed you had on heels in that picture. Kudo's to you!!
Hang in there...He'll be here before you know it!! :)


The Maddox Family said...

i totally feel ya, sheri. i remember adding people to my hate list when they would they would say something about how big i looked. a gal i worked with once said that even though i was wearing a black shirt which normally makes people look smaller, i still looked huge. thanks. and no, it does not make it ok when they add the "all belly" comment!

but, seriously - this is it. you are down to the wire. you are fixing to cross the threshold into motherhood, a no-turning-back-beautiful-rewarding-crazy-messed-up-perfect part of life. and you know what, you will do great.

hang in there these last few weeks. spend some lover time with brandon and get some rest. your baby is on the way!

Mrs. Cervantes said...

can't wait to see some Aiden Shutterfly.

Nick, Krista, Carson and Clay said...

I can't wait for him to come here, but I'm sure you are a lot MORE anxious than I am! :) Yeah I got those wow, are you having twins comments pretty early... My doctor told me that those are and I quote, "stupid people that need to mind their own business." Did I say I loved my doctor??? Hope you are feeling well, we'll be praying for you to get some energy and strength :)

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful! (I know, Moms are supposed to say that). I'll be seeing the 3 of you very soon!
Love, Mom(Aiden's Grandma)

KatieC said...

I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. Aiden wil be here soon and I cannot wait to see him! If Aiden is a big one, then I am glad I am having a girl...all the boys are coming out big or long! geezzz... But soo worth it too!