10 March 2009

Choose your adventure

It's been 12 hours after admission and while we've made progress, it looks like some time to go before delivery. We are having another doppler scan of contraction strength and timing (4-5 minute intervals) as I type, then headed to the labor ward for internal exam and one of 3 options (will probably read as complete gibberish to any male or anyone not previously around a delivery):

1. Dilation is 4+cm and proper effacing - the 'no induction' option where we Walk, Rest, repeat and let nature handle the rest
2. Dilation remains close to 3cm and proper effacing - potentially apply Petocin and give nature a gentle hand in making the contractions more effective
3. Dilation stalls at 2cm, not fully effaced - introduce a 2nd sepository to encourage further cervix softening and dilation before applying Petocin

Option #2 is probably the one that gets Aiden out sooner (Tina still has an outside chance), but atleast with Option #1 there's some assurance he's on the way soon. Expect one more update before midnight here, when we're either shifting rooms into the labor ward or hunkering down for the night in our room to rest for tomorrow's final gauntlet.

As we say around the office - "by definition we're always one day closer to completion, even if no one knows where the end is". I'll spare you the rest of the nerdy project management jokes I've been telling at work (aka I'll save them for later posts).

Off to the labor ward for internal exam. Come on Aiden!


Nick, Krista, Carson and Clay said...

Oh my goodness. I can't wait!! We'll be praying for all of you! :)

Anonymous said...

oh the suspense! thinking of you guys and remembering oh so well how these babies come whenever they feel like it. if i had my way, mason would have been born about 15 hours sooner than he was! praying for rest & peace as the adventure continues...

Mrs. Cervantes said...

As they say on The Price is Right "AIDEN....Come on Down!"

I know ya'll are ready, but oh I can't wait for some arrival pics either. Hang in there Sheri.

Brandon and Sheri said...

Sheri is giving me an hour or so to rest / pass out while the Petocin does its trick. Here's hoping when I get the call she's turned the corner in active phase and can start the march to 10cm.

KatieC said...

Go Sheri Go! You are in our prayers! Take lots of pictures!

The Maddox Family said...

Like the Price is Right quote, Tina!
