26 April 2009


KatieC said...

Its great to see you guys...even if it is on the computer, it feels like yall are here! Aiden is amazing and we loved the birth announcement. What is yalls address so we can send you one of Avery??

Sheri-you were right about the wet wips for the hospital, after pushing for 2 hours I was nasty and loved the fresh feeling of being able to wipe off. To all the ladies reading this, take up Sheir's advice... :)

Bullwinkel said...

Amazing looking kid you two. I especially like how you keep him "hardcore" with the skull and crossbones t-shirt. Take care in the Doha heat and look forward to seeing you soon.


Mrs. Cervantes said...

So glad to see some new pics. Let us know when you'll be in town. Can't wait to squeeze him.

KatieC said...

Ha ha ha! Yes! The blow outs!!!!!!!! We had 2 in the middle of feedings this morning! Avery too is awesome and it is breath taking to think she is a part of ryan anda part of me...although she totally looks like dad!!