12 August 2008

Picture Worth 1,000 Posts

Phelps isn't the only swimmer to win a race this year!


The Maddox Family said...

Just so you know, Maddox is pretty much the coolest name going right now (save Dash)...it's so cool we thought about naming our kid Maddox Maddox. I figured he would be at least twice as cool as the other kids named Maddox.

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! let the baby boom begin!

Unknown said...

Haha...Baby Phillips TOTALLY looks like Sheri
:) Lauren C.

Anonymous said...

i think i see two peanuts in there.....now that sounds like a fun time....


Sheri said...

Hey All. Pretty amazing little blob huh? Well I actually was back at the doctor today for some checking of pains and everything is great and the baby has already doubled in size in one week. I hope that doesn't mean it will take after Brandon, or I am in big trouble. We will post the new ultra sound when I go back at 12 weeks. 9 down too many more to go!!!!

Bullwinkel said...

Congratulations to both of you. You be proud to know Brandon that the swimmers comment made me laugh outloud like an idiot at the office.

Meet the Huffstetlers said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I agree with Kammy, this is a baby boom!

Anonymous said...

I do have to say that the swimmers comment made me laugh out loud as well. I still want to hear about the 1st doctor's appointment from Brandon's point of view. I'm pretty sure it will be just as good as the skiing story and some other's we've heard in the past. We miss you guys! Congrats!


Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY for yall! YEA!!!! Don't forget to take belly pics of the ever growing B A B Y!!!! Sheri, I am sorry Brandon is so tall...maybe the baby will have you height instead! Katie

Tim Gwynn said...

Timothy is still my pick for the name or John Button Phillips in honor of the legendary Salmon himself. If it's a girl, Wilma or course. We need to talk man. I miss you kids.