On the first day of Christmas my little baby gave to me: a blood clot in my right leg
On the second day of Christmas my little baby gave to me: 1 inguinal hernia and a blood clot in my right leg
On the third day of Christmas my little baby gave to me: 1 round ligament vericosity, 1 inguinal hernia, and a blood clot in my right leg
Turns out our little baby was regifting the same present each day, just calling it something else (or was that our doctor?). What started as a dramatic diagnosis of blood clot, 'confirmed' via radiology, morphed into an inguinal hernia a week later - at which point we did our own research and discovered the soft, painful lump in Sheri's right inner thigh / crotch could likely be a vericose vein aggravated by the significant growth of the uterus coming out of the 2nd trimester. This diagnosis is actually 'confirmed' via the same ultrasound they used to incorrectly diagnose the blood clot.
Simply put - we have no idea what is wrong with Sheri - but baby is quite rested and relaxed while mom is the one in serious pain... sounds like he's going to be a selfish little guy! The one consistent message from any of the 3+ possible diagnosis is that the pain will likely stay with Sheri through the rest of the pregnancy, and the baby should not be effected. The severity of the potential complications varies dramatically based on which of the 3 diagnosis finally comes to fruition, but in the meantime we must wait it out. Sheri gets serious kudos for her ability to manage the pain and still stay positive.
And when we say wait it out - that includes pulling down our planned Christmas in Paris. The final hoorah before Aiden's arrival. Our first trip to the city of love; during a time when Paris shines best - Christmas. So instead of touring the Louvre and enjoying dinner at a tasty boulangerie, we found ourselves grounded in Doha, searching for a new car battery after we were stranded at a nursery (plants), eating mac and cheese for dinner, and putting up our new fake Christmas tree.
On the bright side, we were able to cancel the trip with nearly no cost (on only 2 days notices!), and we were in town today to receive our new baby dresser to finish off chambre d'Aiden. To give Christmas in Doha the right 'feel' we're about to dress the tree while watching the Christmas Story enjoying hot cocoa - but only after we finish watching the first 'Extreme Home Makeover' we've EVER seen in Doha.
I know of 2 pups who are happy we decided to stay home - one of them is already enjoying her new Christmas gift (dog bed), while the other is trying to figure things out... think Tom & Jerry (see photo).